Co-Curricular Programming
Ben Porat Yosef is proud to offer a rich and varied range of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, programs
and experiences that serve to complement our students' learning. From STEM education on Discovery Learning Day to strengthening connections with Am Yisrael on Yom Ha’atzmaut, there truly is something for each student to call his or her own.

Throughout the year, each grade will take at least one field trip to bring to life what they are learning in the classroom. Field trips include Waterloo Village, Turtleback Zoo, the Liberty Science Center and Ellis Island, just to name a few. Our 7th and 8th grade students take overnight trips to Philadelphia and Washington, DC, respectively, and these trips are highlights for our students each year. Middle School students enjoy grade-wide Shabbatonim to spend time with their teachers in a more informal setting.
Our students observe Jewish and secular holidays by welcoming survivors for Yom HaShoah, members of the US Armed Forces for Veteran’s Day and IDF Soldiers for Yom HaZikaron. By welcoming these visitors into our school, our students are better able to understand
the importance of our history, both as members of the Jewish community and as U.S. citizens. Our 8th grade students are also given the opportunity to join the Names Not Numbers elective, in which they are matched with survivors of the Shoah to create connections and a student-produced documentary film in an effort to never forget.

While BPY offers music, art, movement, coding and physical education as part of students'
regular course offerings, our extra-curricular activities build upon classroom learning while simultaneously affording our students a great deal of fun. Our Color War at BPY provides leadership opportunities for students of every grade, and the opportunity for all kids to shine through a myriad of competitions and events in a variety of subject areas. Our After School Programs include engineering, acrylic painting, karate, tennis, science projects, art, gymnastics, baking, yoga, coding, dance, robotics, performing arts, digital arts, jewelry making, basketball, sports fitness, soccer and much more. Students in the 3rd-8th grade are given the chance to try out for our full scale school production. Middle School students are encouraged to try out for our basketball and soccer teams.

Finally, BPY offers numerous family and community programs such as our Chanukah chagiga and daily menorah-lighting ceremonies, an annual Purim Family Megillah Reading and chagiga, and a mega celebration and chagiga on Yom Ha'atzmaut, in which our students perform an amazing daglnaut routine to the delight of their families and friends. BPY creates a genuine sense of excitement, pride in Am Yisrael and a love of being a part of the Jewish community for our students at every turn throughout the year.